Here is an index of pages of statistics related to performances during the season 2019-2020.

This is the third season for which data has been compiled since concertdiarysoutheast started. In these tables, we have added comparisons to the previous season. Firstly the change in position in the table is given, and secondly the number of performances in the previous season is given in brackets after the number for this season. However, data for 2020 is severely affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic, which caused the cancellation of all events between mid-March and September, and a huge reduction in the number of events thereafter, so comparison is not always worthwhile.

Whenever new groups are added to our database, we automatically add details for all their concerts back to the beginning of the 2017-18 season and amend these statistics accordingly. Concerts from earlier seasons are only added as part of the Project C21 process.


Data held for this season currently contains information about 1,129 events, and 2,511 individual performances of works.

WARNING: new data is being added almost daily which will affect these statistics. Cancellations of events due to the COVID-19 emergency has caused a significant reduction in performances compared to last year, and more cancellations will certainly come: hence these statistics are as yet of limited value.

Statistics come in two varieties: information about composers and about works.

Composer Lists

There are five tables about composers: a master table covering all works, and four sub-tables for particular types of work. They can be accessed from the links below, or from the menu above:

Composers – All Works

Composers – Orchestral Works

Included here are works for solo singer and orchestra, such as song cycles, concert arias or arias extracted from operas or musicals.

Composers – Choral Works

This includes opera choruses but not complete operas.

Composers – Operas and Musicals

Here you will find all complete performances of sung staged works and extracts from them. Non-vocal stage works (i.e. ballets) are listed under Orchestral Works

Composers – Film and Television

Signature tunes, incidental music and so on.

Work Lists

There are thirteen tables covering works. Orchestral and choral works are covered by master tables and sub-tables for particular types of work. Operas and Musicals are listed in a summary table, where each work appears just once, aggregating complete performances and all extracts, and a details table where extracts appear separately. Finally, there is a single table covering works written for TV or the movies. Again, pick from the links below or from the menu above:

All Orchestral Works


Note that symphonies including a chorus appear both here and under Larger Choral Works.


Also including other works scored for solo instrument(s) and orchestra


Both concert overtures and preludes to operas and musicals.

Other Orchestral Works

Anything not included in the other genre tables.

All Choral Works



Oratorios, Passions and other Larger Works

Minimum duration 10 minutes (approx.). This includes choral symphonies.

Anthems, Carols, Partsongs and other Shorter Works

Maximum duration 10 minutes (approx.).

Operas and Musicals – Summary

Operas and Musicals – Details

Music written for Film or Television