Past Events Group List - J

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     Jubilate Choir
Saturday 2nd September 2017

Venue: St.Mark’s Church, Manor Park Road, West Wickham BR4 0JY
Times: 2.00pm start
Programme: Taster Workshop for 2017-8 Season

Saturday 9th December 2017

Venue: St.Matthew’s Church, Chichester Road, Croydon CR0 5NQ
Times: 7.30pm concert
Programme: 40th Anniversary Christmas Concert: P.Carr Ubi Caritas (World Première); Handel Chandos Anthem No. 1 ‘O Be Joyful in the Lord’; Handel Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus; Bach Brandenburg Concerto No.2 and an orchestral Christmas medley

Saturday 14th April 2018

Venue: St.Matthew’s Church, Chichester Road, Croydon CR0 5NQ
Times: 7.30pm concert
Programme: Jenkins The Armed Man; Jenkins Songs of Sanctuary - Adiemus; Vivaldi Gloria RV589 - Choruses

Saturday 30th June 2018

Venue: St.Matthew’s Church, Chichester Road, Croydon CR0 5NQ
Times: 10,00am - 4.00pm workshop, 5.00pm performance
Programme: Summer Workshop - Rutter Gloria, Vivaldi Gloria

Saturday 8th September 2018

Venue: St.Mark’s Church, Manor Park Road, West Wickham BR4 0JY
Times: 2.00pm to 5.00pm Workshop Session
Programme: Taster Workshop on Paul Carr Stabat Mater, Haydn Little Organ Mass, Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols and other items.

Saturday 15th December 2018

Venue: St.Matthew’s Church, Chichester Road, Croydon CR0 5NQ
Times: 7.30pm concert
Programme: Christmas Concert, to include Haydn Mass No. 7 ‘Little Organ Mass’; Schubert Ständchen (version not specified); Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols

Saturday 30th March 2019

Venue: St.Matthew’s Church, Chichester Road, Croydon CR0 5NQ
Times: 7.30pm concert
Programme: P.Carr Stabat Mater; P.Carr Ubi Caritas; Albinoni Adagio for Organ and Strings; Albinoni Concerto for Two Oboes

Saturday 6th July 2019

Venue: Emmanuel United Reformed Church, The Grove, West Wickham BR4 9JS
Times: 7.30pm concert
Programme: ’Summer Serenade’ - A Pot-Pourri of Choruses, including Haydn The Creation - Excerpts; Haydn The Seasons - Excerpts; Gershwin Porgy and Bess - Summertime (Choral Arrangement); R.Rodgers South Pacific - Some Enchanted Evening (Choral Arrangement); Loewe My Fair Lady - Ascot Gavotte; Morley Now is the Month of Maying

Saturday 14th December 2019

Venue: St.Matthew’s Church, Chichester Road, Croydon CR0 5NQ
Times: 7.30pm concert
Programme: Christmas Concert, to include Saint-Saëns Oratorio de Noël; M.Haydn Te Deum in C